Going to FOSDEM

Due to a scheduling conflict, Jonathan won’t able to present on Cassandra in the NoSQL devroom at this years FOSDEM, so I’ll be going in his stead. I’ve always wanted to go to a FOSDEM, and getting to see Brussels will be a real treat as well. I can’t wait! NP: Black & White, In Flames

2010-01-22 · 1 min · 56 words · Eric Evans

NoSQL: What's in a name?

Depending on the circles you travel in, you might be aware of the whole NoSQL “movement”. If not, I’m not going try and explain it at this time (explaining it is sort of the problem), but you can get the general idea from wikipedia. I’ve spent the last couple of days at nosqleast and one of the hot topics here is the name “nosql”. Understandably, there are a lot of people who worry that the name is Bad, that it sends an inappropriate or inaccurate message....

2009-10-30 · 2 min · 367 words · Eric Evans

Upcoming travel

I have several trips lined up for the next few weeks: NoSQL East from the 28th to the 30th in Atlanta ApacheCon US 2009 from November 2-6 in Oakland OpenSQL Camp 2009 in Portland, November 14-15 There is also a NoSQL meetup on November 2 as a part of ApacheCon; I’ve offered to present on Cassandra there. I’m also thinking of giving a session at BarcampApache, and I’m scheduled to sit on a “SQL vs....

2009-10-26 · 1 min · 133 words · Eric Evans

On the road again

Debconf is over. Boo. :( Like those I’ve attended in the past, Debconf9 was well organized with plenty of interesting talks, in a great venue. I had loads of fun, learned a ton, and even managed to get a bit done. Many thanks to the organization team, the local team, the speakers, and the sponsors. This year I managed to sneak an extra couple of days post-conference which will be spent in the general vicinity of Madrid....

2009-07-31 · 1 min · 94 words · Eric Evans

Debconf9: Day trip

Yesterday was the Day Trip at Debconf, an opportunity for folks to step away from their computers (usually), and leave the venue (always) for some sort of group activity or tourism. When the organizers first started talking about this years Day Trip there were two candidates, Valle del Jerte and Teatro romano de Merida, or “Roman theater of Merida”. I’m kind of a history junkie and generally get pretty excited at the idea of touring ruins so I was heartbroken when Merida lost out....

2009-07-28 · 2 min · 293 words · Eric Evans


A week from today and I’ll be headed to Spain for Debconf9. Can’t wait! NP: Worlds Collide, Apocalyptica

2009-07-15 · 1 min · 18 words · Eric Evans

Transitioning My GPG Key

A few months ago a group of researchers announced a fairly serious attack that shattered everyone’s faith in SHA-1. It has frightening implications for anyone who relies on cryptographic signatures, and while consensus is that there is little danger in the near-term, most people agree that now is the time to start a move to something stronger. So, I’ve begun my transition, (document here), and submitted my new key for the Debconf9 signing party later this month....

2009-07-12 · 1 min · 118 words · Eric Evans

NOSQL 2009

Johan Oskarsson has organized a meetup for folks interested in distributed structured data storage and is calling it NOSQL. The event, being held June 11th in San Fransisco, will have subject matter experts presenting on Hypertable, HBase, Voldemort, Dynomite, and Cassandra. There were 100 slots available slots to attend and they all went in a matter of hours, so if this is the first you’ve heard of it, it’s probably too late....

2009-05-12 · 1 min · 92 words · Eric Evans

Back Home

After 5+ hours on a bus, several hours at Ezeiza airport, and 12 hours on two different planes, I’m back home from Debconf8, (technically speaking I’ve been back since 8am yesterday, but was in no condition to post). Debconf8 was definately the best organized of the 4 Debconfs I’ve attended, and Argentina was an awesome setting, but it is good to be home. Pictures are here or here. Update: I’ve updated the Debconf8 set on Flickr with a panorama of the beach and skyline in front of the conference venue....

2008-08-19 · 1 min · 90 words · Eric Evans


It’s that time of year again! I’m at the airport soaking up a little free bandwidth (yes, it would seem that San Antonio International finally has free wifi), before boarding a flight to Houston, and then on to Buenos Aires. With the layover in Houston, the four wait before catching the bus to Mar del Plata, and the six hour bus ride itself, I’m looking at a full 24 hours of travel....

2008-08-08 · 1 min · 99 words · Eric Evans